
Concept & Idea

The former Prussian barracks were erected in 1847. Today the area is mainly used by car repair shops or is left empty. The partly listed buildings will be turned into an art and creative market with additional housing towards the rear of the site, benefiting from its location directly behind the financial department of Kreuzberg on the famous Mehringdamm. The Mareineke hall and the connected Bergmannstraße will be extended as a small and micro creative business street network via the Mehringdamm towards the site. The Garde-Dragoner-Hall will form the north-eastern end of this local arts and creative business network and provide loads of space for development of the local scene. The historical structures will be covered by a new roof structure and a few modern elements. The resulting contrast between old and modern reflects the history of the site and makes the Garde-Dragoner-Hall renown in the immediate borough and beyond.

Project Information

Status: Feasibility Study

Client: PREMIUM Immobilien Deutschland GmbH

Year: 2014

Size: 80.000m² GFA

Credits & Collaboration

Marc Dufour-Feronce, Andrea Reeg, Alexandru Isan, Jacub Spaniel


rundzwei Architekten Reeg&Dufour PartGmbB

Goethestraße 2-3
Staircase B
10623 Berlin

T +49 30 202 376 45
F +49 30 202 376 45 9

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