041_Living in the Nature
Concept & Idea
Due to the 3-sided encapsulation of the site by green stripes, a free distribution of free-standing building clusters in a cohesive free space is proposed as an urban development. The round buildings are accessed via a central staircase. Around this staircase, apartments are arranged on all sides. Each apartment is designed to offer an unobstructed view of the natural surrounding environment. The open spaces on the property are designed to extend the surrounding green strip of the Masterplan. The site area is car-free while all car traffic is in the underground parking lot, which is directly connected to the clusters stairs. The outdoor area offers to the residents semi-private spaces for a healthy social structure. Further private outdoor spaces are offered to the residents on the roof surfaces of each building cluster. These areas serve as retreat areas and social areas for the inhabitants of each building.
Status: Invited competition
Client: Private
Year: 2015
Size: 6.500m² GFA
Credits & Collaboration
Marc Dufour-Feronce, Andreas Reeg