049_Timber hat


rundzwei designed a factory and office building for Hald & Grunewald. The new building consists of a 10 m high hall (factory building) and an office building (operations building), which are directly connected to each other and form a compact volume.

The 2nd floor of the operations building is arranged as a cantilever over the compact volume. To connect the two structures, a circumferential canopy is connected to the truss, which rests like a hat on the lower structure. The framework of carbonised larch changes towards the transom and dissolves into horizontal timbers. These horizontal timbers deepen to provide permanent sun protection for the office functions behind. The lower structure, clad in natural larch, provides a deliberate contrast to the dark façade above.

Sustainability and energy:
The building is a load-bearing timber structure. A combined heat and power unit supplies the industrial underfloor heating in the production hall and in the atrium of the company building. The building is insulated to low energy standards. Controlled ventilation has been dispensed. Fresh air is supplied manually by opening windows, and only the interior rooms are mechanically ventilated. This eliminates the need for a complex ventilation system with heat recovery. The moisture-absorbing wooden surfaces of the construction are kept open, contributing to the natural conditioning of the indoor air.

The all-round louvred canopy is primarily for weather protection, while the same louvred structure on the top floor provides sun protection in summer.


status: built

client: Hald & Grunewald GmbH

year: 2019 - 2022

size: 4.900 m²

cost:  Mio €


Paolo Bradicic, Marc Dufour-Feronce, Sunghoon Go, Asya Güney, Deborah Matter, Marie Nägele, Hannah Reckenthäler, Andreas Reeg, Shadi Zaghloul



Deutscher Nachhaltigkeitspreis 2024: Nomination

DAM PREIS 2025: Nomination

Indsutriebaupreis 2024: Nomination


rundzwei Architekten Reeg&Dufour PartGmbB

Goethestraße 2-3
10623 Berlin
Aufgang B, 4. Etage

T +49 30 202 376 45
F +49 30 202 376 45 9

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rundzwei ist immer auf der Suche nach engagierten und interessierten jungen Architekten. Wir suchen junior Architekten, frisch von der Universität oder mit 1-2 Jahren Berufserfahrung, für diverse Entwufs- und Ausführungsprojekte.

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Projektleiter / Projektarchitekt (m/w)

rundzwei sucht Architekten mit mindestens 4-5 Jahren Berufserfahrung. Idealerweise haben Sie bereits ein Projekt geleitet und eigenständig von Entwurf- über Genehmigungs- bishin zur Ausführungsplanung betreut. Sie sind kreativ und lieben besondere Lösung, beschäftigen sich gerne mit Details, dann schicken Sie uns Ihre aussagekräftige Bewerbung mit Arbeitsproben (nicht größer als 5MB) an iwannabe[at]rundzwei.de. Wir freuen uns auf ihre Bewerbung

Current Job offers at rundzwei


Architekt - Assistent (m/f)

rundzwei is looking for exceptional, enthusiastic individuals to join its team of architects. There are opportunities within diverse projects for both architecture students (master students) & architectural graduates (master in architecture).

Required are excellent design skills, interest in experimentation and design challenges, proven construction detailing, expertise in CAD, excellent rendering skills, fluent in spoken and written English and German. Please post CV, examples of work and cover letter either digitally (pdf, max 6 MB) to iwannabe[at]rundzwei.de or preferably as hard paper copy to rundzwei HR, Goethestraße 2-3; entrance B; 4th floor; 10623 Berlin.

Praktikant (m/w)

rundzwei is looking for exceptional, enthusiastic individuals to join its team of architects. There are opportunities within diverse projects for both architecture students (master students).

Required are excellent design skills, interest in experimentation and design challenges, proven construction detailing, expertise in CAD, excellent rendering skills, fluent in spoken and written English and German. Please post CV, examples of work and cover letter either digitally (pdf, max 6 MB) to iwannabe[at]rundzwei.de or preferably as hard paper copy to rundzwei HR, Goethestraße 2-3; entrance B; 4th floor; 10623 Berlin.